Saturday, April 16, 2011

no title.


nak tag ni untuk cik ira...

it suck when u miss that person so much that you look through old photos ,old text message ,even old statues.And it brings a smile to your face ,but then the hurt comes back and u know you shouldn't be looking back,but u can't help it because they really meant something to u and u thought it would   of lasted.
-copy from tumblr eyesdilate

nak tag ni untuk  inche belang2...

i ignore text.
i let my phone ring.
i log off of fb chat.
its nothing personal , but..
people need to realize that
sometimes I just dont want..
to talk.

-copy from tumblr eyesdilate.


gambar tiada kaitan hehe


zie_ira said...

hee,, baru bukak blog,, da bace da,, tenx sbb tag ira,, like2,,^_^

tenkiu tgok2 an misu2,,*xde kaitan*,,hehe

arek said...

baru tebaca

User123456788542 said...

arek, UTM eyh? terbaca komen kat blog maria elena. fyi, aku pon dari UTM, so, HAIIII! hahaha

arek said...

hye amelia..hehe...okey..dak utm gak ke..jom follow2~ :D